Sunday, March 20, 2011

Folie Development - Week 3b

Time to experiment with the form! Instantly i knew that i would like to somehow give the structure a way of interacting with the people passing it. This meant it must have some function that can in a way 'communicate' with people. I'm not yet sure of what this function will be but i know i would like to make the interaction more personal to the individual user than just an overall water quality of Brisbane. I then decided to have a look at the areas of Brisbane in relation to the river.

This image shows how i was experimenting with the notion of 'areas' along the river.

If i could turn these into separate zones then my structure could perhaps locate a persons house/suburb and give them the quality of water in their area- it could also compare it to the surrounding areas.

This gave me the idea of having a series of separate panels representing each zone; but what shape should they be? After looking at images of the site once more a shape started to become clear. Both the cliff and the bridge have this straight lined, triangular, jagged form.

Keeping this shape in mind i begun to play with trace overlaid on the top view of the Brisbane river. Here is some of the development:

After a while i was able to refine my form to this:

How would these panels be held up though? These images show ideas on the panel presentation:

This presented the opportunity to place a shower and a platform in the center of the panels. This is to enhance the statment of the water quality - would you like to shower using the rivers water?

Finding it hard to draw my ideas i decided to build a physical model. This helped tremendously, as i had only been playing with ideas in elevation and plan this allowed me to bend and twist what was a flat image into a new form. I was constantly thinking of what shape would best prompt interaction between it and the passing people. Concave? Convex? Above head? or on ground?

I came to the conclusion that a convex structure would best attract attention, opening up the panels in this form enables pedestrians to see the structure from all angels. Here are some model snap shots:

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