This week i have been focusing mainly on ways to improve the circulation throughout my building, both vertically and horizontally. Currently my stairs system works on the same principles as 'collapsible attic stairs' this is useful in that it means a fixed staircase will never be left unused and in the way, as you can tuck it up into the ceiling.

However it defeats the purpose of having a repeatable module. To do this i would need to make more modules, for the assignment i would like to keep the 'custom' modules to a minimum.
If i could design a stairs system that did not intrude on the room module then it would make the construction process much simpler. Here is an idea that i think has the potential to work:

This would be an aditional module simply for circulation purposes, it would be attached to the room modules on the inside of the circle. This still uses the 'trap door' charachteristic of attic stairs - it has a slideable roofing and flooring section to alow movement from level to level. The beinfits of this module is that it keeps the stairs out of the way, provides aditional circulation passages and could become a feature along the walls of my design.